The International Federation of Associations of People Affected by Chagas disease (FINDECHAGAS) was founded in October 2010 and comprises more than 30 associations worldwide (Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Italy, Mexico, Spain, Switzerland, the United States of America and Venezuela).
FINDECHAGAS is a non-profit organization that aims to create, promote and disseminate the principles and guidance as set forth in the Declaration of Uberaba* adopted at the first meeting of associations of people affected by Chagas in the Americas, Europe and the Western Pacific (Minas Gerais, Brazil, October 2009).
FINDECHAGAS is the way to strengthen collective action, to promote social control and to extend political representation in order to guarantee fundamental rights and full exercise of citizenship.
According to the Decalogue of Uberaba:
- We represent a group of people with Chagas disease, family, friends and people affected by the disease, working in collaboration with multidisciplinary teams.
- We recognize that information, education and communication are essential tools to increase awareness of the disease, to fight stigmatization and indifference and to guarantee human rights, including prevention and treatment of Chagas disease.
- We demand continuity and strengthening of prevention initiatives.
- We advocate universal access to clinical and laboratory diagnosis.
- We urge universal access to fulltreatment and follow-up during the acute and chronic phases of the disease.
- We support research and development of optimal technologies for the prevention, treatment and control of Chagas disease
- We maintain that Chagas disease is not a death sentence. It is necessary to know, face and spread the challenges of people living with the disease. Initiatives to break the cycle that links poverty and disease should be implemented.
If you have questions or suggestions, contact us and we will respond as soon as possible